Instant Pot Spaghetti – The easiest spaghetti recipe ever!  A quick recipe for spaghetti made right in the instant pot.  Get a family favorite meal on the table even faster on busy nights!

instant pot spaghetti

Ok, you guys.  I resisted as long as I could.

It was definitely time for me to get myself an Instant Pot, and see what all the fuss is about!

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll already know I bought one.

You may have been waiting and wondering what kind of dinner concoction was going to come out first.

Well, spaghetti it is!

It might SEEM boring, and unoriginal, but….c’mon, spaghetti is a total crowd pleasing, family favorite, classic.

Why not start there?

I was sitting around reading the manual for said Instant Pot and contemplating what to try first, when my son suggested spaghetti.

He loves spaghetti.  Could eat it for breakfast, brunch, lunch, snack, and dinner.  Not kidding.  If you’re craving more pasta, try out our Stuffed Shells too!

instant pot spaghetti

Do any of you have an Instant Pot already?  Thinking about getting one?  I’d love to hear what you think!

For now, here are my first impressions.

Before I even used the thing my initial reaction was that this thing is BIG.  Way bigger than my crockpot, and much heavier.

I got the 8 quart, which I’m happy about.  Just saying, if you’re going to get one, make sure you have the room for it!

Definitely read the manual.  If you don’t, you’ll probably feel stressed out and confused at all of the different buttons and parts.

My impression during and after making the spaghetti (which I did a few times to make sure cooking time would be accurate for you).

It was strange at first not being able to peek in the top like you can with a slow cooker.  Ummmm, is this thing on?

But, you can definitely hear that there is some boiling going on inside.

It really did cook the spaghetti just perfectly!

The noodles weren’t “gummy” being cooked all together with the meat/sauce/water, which was something I was worried about.

I may actually like spaghetti cooked in the Instant Pot now, more than the typical boiling the noodles and putting it all together after!

instant pot spaghetti

My last but not least favorite thing is that this is a true one pot recipe.  Spaghetti is always easy to make, but it also usually requires a pan for the meat, a pot for noodles, a pot for sauce, and a colander for draining.

One pot, and no colander needed here.

The meat cooks (I get super lean meat so I don’t even need to drain grease) then you toss in your pasta, sauce, water, and seasonings.

Dinner served in about 8 minutes!

How cool is that?!

Enjoy! Check out our video for this recipe below!



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Instant Pot Spaghetti

Instant Pot Spaghetti - The easiest spaghetti recipe ever!  A quick recipe for spaghetti made right in the instant pot.  Get a family favorite meal on the table even faster on busy nights!
Prep 5 minutes
Cook 10 minutes
Total 15 minutes
Servings 6



  • Set the Instant Pot to saute' and add the ground beef.  Add the salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and Italian seasonings.  Cook the meat and seasonings, breaking the meat up until it's completely browned.  Turn the Instant Pot off. Drain any excess grease from meat if necessary.
  • Break the spaghetti in half and place on top of meat in the Instant Pot.  Pour over the spaghetti sauce, diced tomato, and water.  Push the spaghetti down with a spoon if necessary to make sure it is completely covered in liquid.  
  • Seal the instant pot and set it to manual mode, high pressure, 8 minutes cooking time.  When the time is up, use manual quick release to open the Instant Pot.  Stir the spaghetti well.  Serve immediately.


NOTE:  This spaghetti may appear to be a little liquidy right after cooking.  Be sure to stir well to incorporate all of the liquid into the noodles before serving.
NOTE:  Some people have had an issue with their noodles "clumping" together.  Try crisscrossing the noodles when you add them to the instant pot, instead of adding them in one big chunk. Some clumping is normal, simply use a fork to pull any noodles apart that have stuck together. 
NOTE:  This spaghetti will have as much flavor as you put into it!  Make sure that you add extra seasoning to taste and also use a flavorful spaghetti sauce.


Calories: 385kcal, Carbohydrates: 56g, Protein: 26g, Fat: 4g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 46mg, Sodium: 63mg, Potassium: 430mg, Fiber: 2g, Sugar: 2g, Calcium: 34mg, Iron: 2.9mg

Nutrition information is automatically calculated, so should only be used as an approximation.

Additional Info

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
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Note:  I use the 8 quart Instant Pot which you can find by clicking the link (affiliate) below.

**This post may contain affiliate links, all opinions stated here are my own**

Hey! Nice to meet you! I'm Nichole!

Welcome to The Salty Marshmallow! I'm a mom, animal lover, photographer, & kitchen mess-maker. Here you will find the result of my decades-long passion for chasing the best flavors in the kitchen, all meant to be cooked by regular people with busy lives just like you and me.

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  1. Odd question but we do a lot of delayed meals in the IP since we both work 8-10 hours a day and bring home a very “Hangry” and impatient almost 3 year old. But I’m wondering if I did the meat on lunch and then set it for 3 hours delay would the noodles get too mushy?

  2. When I made Fettuccini in my Instant Pot, I added a little Olive oil before I pressured it & it helped with the noodles not stick together when I stirred it. Hope that helps.

  3. 5 stars
    This is one of our very favourite meals. I am making it for a big family gathering on the weekend which means I need to at least triple the recipe lol. Seriously, nothing I make ever turns out… so I am scared to mess it up. I figured I would just triple all ingredients (assuming they all fit) but now I am wondering about cook time… I wonder if it would still be the 8 min? …I have such issues LOL
    Thank you for sharing so many wonderful recipes – yours is my go-to site 🙂

    1. I read online that the time doesn’t change. I was wondering as I will need to double for hungry teenage grandsons. Ingredients should only fill pot 2/3 full b4 cooking

  4. 4 stars
    Easy dish to make. Followed the recipe exactly. The noodles were over cooked for my liking but my kids loved it. If I make it again i would try 7 minutes on the pressure cooktime to see if the pasta was more firm. Overall good recipe for the instant pot.

  5. 5 stars
    Thanks for this awesome recipe! Instead of onion powder, I added one small chopped onion. I also added one 6.5 oz can of sliced mushrooms and one 2.25 oz can of sliced black olives. I added them all with the meat and spices when sautéing the hamburger. For the 24 oz jar of spaghetti sauce, I used a 23.5 oz jar of Prego Spicy Sausage meat sauce. When I served it I put some shredded Parmesan cheese on top. Yummy! I will make this again and again!